who read the newspapers (hard copy or online), watch the news
on television or on the Internet may have read or heard about the
growing cottage industry of Islamaphobia and the over $40 million
funding it receives. Those who follow the news may be aware of the
names of those who perpetrate themselves to be “experts”
in the realm of Islam, Islamic studies or (though unrelated)
terrorist training. We've recently witnessed how an Islamic civil
rights organization (the Council on American-Islamic Relations –
CAIR) saved the American taxpayers an unknown sum of tax dollars by
pointing out to the military and federal agencies that these
perpetrators masquerading as “experts” were bilking
Americans out of whatever fees that they are charging them for
ineffective, bigoted and flawed “so-called terrorist training”.
Of course, these frauds had and have nothing nice or truthful to say
about CAIR, as they've exposed them for the frauds that they are.
is one of many U.S. Islamic organizations that is deep in the
battle against bigotry against Muslims, in particular, other U.S.
minorities, in general. Yes, they do speak out and loudly when there
are cases of discrimination against Muslims. But they also do the
same when a Jewish synagogue was vandalized in Olney, MD in 2011.
They also spoke out against the violence when a White supremacist
opened fire in a Sikh temple in 2012. More recently, they spoke out
against the Afghan government who was holding a mentally challenged
12-year old girl on blasphemy charges. What we notice is that while
the Islamaphobia network constantly and consistently make outlandish
and false statements against CAIR, they have never acknowledged them
making such public stances as they've taken when the victim is (or
victims are) non-Muslim.
Islamaphobia network even attacks Muslim college students who join
the college student group for Muslims (Muslim Student Alliance). They
claim that it and all Islamic organizations are created by and a part
of the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization that the U.S. has defined
as a terrorist organization. They've even claimed that the Muslim
Brotherhood has infiltrated high levels of the U.S. government,
though they offered not one name or one such infiltrator. Recently,
the Islamaphobia network's bogus claims reached the news level and
was picked up by the Muslim Brotherhood. The leader of the Muslim
laughed as such a silly thought saying, “We're having a hard
enough time getting into the Egyptian government. We wouldn't even
think about getting into the American government!” Silly
the ongoing battle against these fact-free haters of Islam and
Muslims, Muslims have used many descriptive labels in categorizing
these people. The most popular and recent coined term is one I've
used in this article quite frequently: Islamaphobe. It is derived
from the word “Islamaphobia” which is the irrational fear
of Islam and anything related to Islam. An Islamaphobe is one who has
said irrational fear. But at some point, these people might no longer
have an irrational fear of Islam and Muslims, but an irrational
hatred of them.
is why the need for a more encompassing word. And it's not necessary
to coin a new word or phrase. We can use a word that is already in
common use. Let's look at a similar group and how they were treated
in the U.S. and in Europe. Of course, we know that the Jews were
demeaned and mistreated in Europe and when they immigrated to
America. Eventually, the word “antisemitic” was assigned
to those who showed their hatred or despise towards Jews or anything
related to them. But let's examine the meaning of this word.
course we know that the prefix, anti, means “to be against”.
But the word Semite does not mean “Jewish”. It actually
means “a member of any of the peoples of Semitic languages,
cultures or religions including the Hebrews, Arabs, Assyrians,
Phoenicians, etc.” So, to strictly assign Semitic to be mean
Jewish only is actually an omission of many peoples. As a Muslim, I
hereby reclaim part of that which is rightfully mine! I am a Semite
along with others who are also considered to be Semites. No one group
of Semites has any more ownership of the word than anyone else who is
speaking, by people showing or having hatred toward and/or promoting
lies against Islam and/or Muslims, they are being antisemitic!
So, even if people do deny being Islamaphobes, they can't continue
hating and lying against Islam and Muslims without being classified
anti-Semites. I only wonder how those who claim to be Jewish who are
supportive of the Islamaphobia network will feel realizing that they,
too, can be considers anti-Semites, even though their hate and lies
aren't directed toward Jews.
Islamaphobia in America (SIIA)
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