Many Islamaphobes use (or rather, abuse) Arabic words because there are many non-Arab speaking westerners (including myself) who are unfamiliar with the words that they use and abuse for their own devious intentions. This is a special motivation for the paid Islamaphobes who are actually paid to lie against Islam and Muslims.
We have recently seen such example of these paid Islamaphobes giving misleading
and anti-Islamic training to the military and law enforcement officials (from
local to federal level) while receiving tax-payers’ dollars for providing said
flawed training. Fortunately, Muslim civil rights organizations brought scam this to the attention of the FBI and the Pentagon and they have since ceased their involvement with such nefarious tricksters. But this does not prevent these same con artists from deceiving as many of the masses as they can.
Before I go any further, allow me
to not be too presumptuous and define a few of the terms I’ve used so far.
- Islamaphobia (Is.laam.uh.fō’.bi.uh): the irrational fear of Islam and/or anything related to it.
- Islamaphobe (Is.laam.uh.fōb’): one who has the aforementioned irrational fear.
- Muslim (Mus.lim -Arabic): one who submits their will to do the will of God.
There! I don’t want to leave those words open to
misinterpretation. These same people will claim that “Islamists” (a disrespectful term they use instead of stating “Muslims”)
use the terms Islamaphobia & Islamaphobe to negate any discussion on Islam
& Muslims. Ironically, those descriptive words are used no more frequently
than those used to describe others who are prejudiced and discriminatory
against the Jewish community (anti-Semitic).
Ironically, the root word applies to more than just Jews or Judaism!
a) of, relating to, or constituting a subfamily
of the Afro-Asiatic language family that includes Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic and
b) of, relating to, or characteristic of the
c) relating to Jewish people
As you can see, being “strictly Jewish” is the third most
populate definition due to an interpretation whereas the first two definitions
could be obviously applied to Christians and Muslims. But that’s a sidebar….
But how a word that relates to so many
diverse groups of people could possibly be narrowed-down to only
refer to only one group is beyond reason!
A prime example of abuse of words
is the word “taqiyya”.
Taqiyya (tah.kee’.ah): permission to hide one’s faith if threatened
with bodily injury or death; strictly Shia Muslim practice.
In the Middle East, two sects of
Muslims (Sunni – majority and Shia – minority) are at odds with one another,
primarily over a differences of opinion of leadership and some practices. Too
often, these differences devolve into violent clashes. In a majority Sunni area, Shia
Muslims adopted the practice of not claiming to be Shia if questioned. This is
the only example of taqiyya and it has no other application.
Here’s how Islamaphobes negate
and devise their own definition of the word.
They lie by claiming that taqiyya means to “lie to spread Islam”. This
practice, if it was as they claim, would be completely and utterly contrary to Islam, itself. This claim also negates any meaningful
conversation any Muslim could possibly have with anyone in disputing these lies spewed
by Islamaphobes. So, when a Muslim debunks the lies told by the paid Islamaphobe
(or one of their dupes), the dupes think, “…..oh
yeah…! This is that practice I was
trained on called ‘taqiyya’ where Muslims will lie to spread Islam, so I can
simply ignore their statements”! But most paid/professional Islamaphobes know that they've been
Another similar abuse of Arabic
words is the mistranslation of the word “Sharia”.
Sharia (Sha.ree’.ah): “the path” or “the way”.
Sharia is derived from the teachings of the Qur’an,
the sunnah, or practices of Prophet
Muhammad, peace be upon him. Islamaphobes mistranslate sharia to mean “the laws
of Islam”. They fail to acknowledge that when considering all predominantly
Muslim-populated countries (notice I didn’t say “Islamic countries”), the laws are all different. But these Islamaphobes ignore this, but take
the most extreme practices (beheading, amputation, belittling of women, etc.)
and claim these abuses as “sharia”. In the meantime, they never mention that in the United States, Muslim Americans marry,
divorce, raise their children, write their wills, pray five times per day
(minimum), wash before prayers, etc. all based on sharia. Where does
the beheading come into play there….? Exactly….! NOWHERE!
So why do we hear and read all of
the hype from the Islamaphobes? As long
as they invent an imaginary “boogeyman”
(sharia) and get paid for said promoting of said irrational fear (Islamaphobia),
they can promote and push for the banning of “sharia law” in different states.
Some states Republicans are even crafty enough to remove the word “sharia” from
their proposed legislation and replacing it with “foreign” laws or “religious”
Fortunately, even many in the
Jewish American community is seeing this as an attack on them and their
practices as well as they govern themselves by similar practices which
are derived from the Torah (the
Jewish scripture). They have joined with Muslims in speaking out against such banning
of religious-based practices as promoted by these legislators and in most states;
these measures have been soundly defeated!
We can only thank God for that, but
the battle against evil continues.
*Red text denotes the lie being promoted and the liar promoting said lie.
-Galen Muhammad
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