Sunday, December 18, 2011

'All-American Muslim' Misleads on Islam? - HUMAN EVENTS

Robert Spencer-notorious Islamaphobe

This is how the right wingnuts spin their Islamaphobia on an already-known case of bigotry against Muslims in the U.S. and in Muslims, in general:

"TLC’s much-ballyhooed All-American Muslim reality show makes its agenda clear in its opening sequences: shots of a hijabbed girl roller-skating, Muslims dancing at a wedding, an American flag waving proudly in the breeze, and newspaper clippings proclaiming “4 in 10 Americans ‘suspicious’ of Muslims,” “Outrage at Ground Zero ‘Mosque,’” and “Muslims Brace for Backlash.” The point of the show is to depict Muslims as ordinary folks just like you and me who are subjected to unjust suspicion", claims Robert Spencer on his truth-lacking, anti-Islamic cite, jihad watch.

To read the Islamaphobia and bigotry in its entirety, click the link here.

In a nutshell (literally), he is upset that TLC did not follow the daily lives of Muslims who sought to overturn the U.S. government or supported and/or were involved with terrorist acts. This is AS IF those few people were known and would offer to be seen on television!  

How insane an assumption that bigot makes!

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