Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Allen West Event Just Got Even Bigger (not REALLY, but they'd like you to believe it did)! | Christian Action Network

Unfortunately, because of the overwhelming response, the room is filled to capacity and we are forced turn away people from the event.
According to the CAN's screen shot, this event was "filled to capacity". Counting the television camera crews, there were only between 40 - 50 people in the large room that was set-up with ~10 round banquet tables (they served lunch after the press conference featuring Allen West). Without the banquet tables, they could have easily seated 100 or more people. They weren't very forthcoming with the changes. 

Be honest with yourself:  Does this room look close to "filled to capacity" to you?

The scheduled "press conference in front of the White House" was switched to the same room as the film viewing due to rain. No such update was placed on their website. When I arrived at the entrance of the conference room, I identified the organization I represented (SIIA) and gave my name. After hearing my name, the lady in the wheelchair told me to wait as she wheeled herself to the Capital Police to whom she whispered instructions (probably, "Watch the mooslim in the tan polo shirt" - LOL). I got to the room just in time to hear the usual rote diatribe of Allen West as he defamed the religion of Islam while claiming to not be against Muslims.

This event was no more than the Islamaphobes attempt to further promote the misnomer "ground zero mosque" onto what's been known as an Islamic community center from the very beginning.   When Allen West asked the question, "Who here can board a plane and go visit Mecca?", I replied (quietly), "I can".....with a smile.  Not one person who opposes this Islamaphobia-fest was in the room....except me. It was an Islamaphobes hate-fest!

Later, I learned that CAIR did have someone in the room with the Islamaphobes.  Like me, he kept quiet and videotaped the event without drawing attention to himself.

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