Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Doublespeak blog?

I was reading an Islamaphobe's (Pam Geller's) blog of a similar title as my own blog and I noticed that she tries to implore "Good Muslim People of America" to "Please ... Speak Out (one may assume against some ill in society)".

Then she launches into a tirade of points for the "Good Muslim People of America" to "speak out" against. Of these points, she sites "....the Ideology of Political Islam and Imposing Islamic Law (Sharia)".  

First & foremost, what exactly is "political Islam"? As a practicing Muslim for just over 20 years, I've never heard of such a phrase (until Islamaphobes introduced it), let alone practiced it!  And this imposing of Sharia.  If I understand the concept of Sharia, it's not something "imposed" onto others; rather, it's how one chooses to live their own life.

The other points that she later mentions in her diatribe are ludicrous.  She wants "good Muslim people of America" to "please....speak out" against something, but she disrespects their very faith that they practice.  That makes absolutely no sense. Many of the things she wants the Muslim Americans to "speak out" against is the very faith that these Muslims are practicing! Her blog is classic doublespeak where she appears to want law-abiding Muslim Americans to speak out against some wrong, but goes on to insult her audience in the process while doing so!

Instead, why doesn't she list reasonable wrongs that the "good Muslim people of America" can "please....speak out" against?

The only thing we "good Muslim people of America" are left with to "please....speak out" against are the lies she and others like her spew against Islam and Muslims, in general.

The Man Behind the Mosque, intentionally misnomered as "the 'ground zero mosque'"

Watch the full episode. See more FRONTLINE.

PBS did a good job getting Sharif El-Gamal's perspective of how he came about acquiring the property at Park Place, however, the Islamaphobes had far too much "face time" during this story.

When they're spewing their lies against Islam, how often to Muslims get that much "face time" to rebut their lies that they tell against Islam?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Women react after Saudi King gives them the right to vote

FILE - In this March 29, 2010 file photo, Saudi women visit the 
Saudi Travel and Tourism Investment Market (STTIM) fair in 
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Saudi King Abdullah has given the 
kingdom's women the right to vote for first time in nationwide 
local elections, due in 2015.File) (Hassan Ammar - AP) 

Why is there no acknowledgement from the right wingnut blogosphere regarding King Abdullah extending voting rights to the Muslim women in Saudi Arabia? These Islamaphobes constantly refer to the human rights violations occurring in other countries and blame them on Islam!

Now that a leader of one of the predominantly Muslim countries has lifted such a ban, one would think that there would at least be some casual acknowledgement of said freedom being given to Muslim women.

But I'm sure that they'd prefer to harp on the remaining human rights violations....and continue to blame Islam for their occurrences.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Islamaphobic Trainer Teaches Islamaphobia to Law Enforcement Officials

Video: FBI Trainer Says Forget ‘Irrelevant’ al-Qaida, Target Islam
By Spencer Ackerman and Noah Shachtman Email Author

September 20, 2011
6:30 am
Categories: Crime and Homeland Security
Follow @dangerroom

The FBI has publicly declared that its counterterrorism training seminars linking “mainstream” Muslims to terrorists was a “one time only” affair that began and ended in April 2011. But two months later, the Bureau employee who delivered those controversial briefings gave a similar lecture to a gathering of dozens of law enforcement officials at an FBI-sponsored public-private partnership in New York City.

And during that June presentation, the FBI’s William Gawthrop told his audience that the fight against al-Qaida is a “waste,” compared to the threat presented by the ideology of Islam itself.

“At the operational level, you have groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Qaida. Like teeth in a shark, it is irrelevant if you take one group out,” Gawthrop said during his lecture to the New York Metro Infragard at the World Financial Center in downtown Manhattan.

Since Danger Room published the contents of Gawthrop’s April lecture, top Senators and representatives from Arab- and Muslim-American groups have blasted the FBI for the training documents, which compare Mohammed to a “cult leader.”

This June 8 lecture is controversial in a different way. In Gawthrop’s worldview, the struggle against al-Qaida is really just an afterthought in a broader war. The group that knocked down the World Trade Center and rammed a jet into the Pentagon is a mere distraction. These are the professional assessments of a representative from the nation’s top domestic counterterrorism agency — a man considered so expert in understanding militant strategy that the FBI had him training agents on the subject.

“We waste a lot of analytic effort talking about the type of weapon, the timing, the tactics. All of that is irrelevant … if you have an Islamic motivation for actions,” Gawthrop said. Even taking down hostile states like Iran is futile, since “there are still internal forces that will seek to exert Islamic rule again.”

The best strategy for undermining militants, Gawthrop suggested, is to go after Islam itself. To undermine the validity of key Islamic scriptures and key Muslim leaders.

“If you remember Star Wars, that ventilation shaft that goes down to into the depths of the Death Star, they shot a torpedo down there. That’s a critical vulnerability,” Gawthrop told his audience. Then he waved a laser pointer at his projected PowerPoint slide, calling attention to the words “Holy Texts” and “Clerics.”

“We should be looking at, should be aiming at, these,” Gawthrop said.

To read entire article, see .

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Survivors Sacrifcied: The Aftermath

Yesterday, as the founder of Stop Islamaphobia in America (SIIA), I went to witness the film that I pre-judged would be very Islamaphobic, based on the trailer released on YouTube.

The more accurate name for this film would be "Survivors: Sacrificed in the name of Islamaphobia".  Further, the original sub-title ("The Untold Story of the Ground Zero Mega-Mosque") is actually the over-exaggerated, oft-told favorite lie of the Islamaphobes as this film further takes advantage of honest hurt and pain and misdirects it at innocent Muslims who not only had absolutely nothing to do with the tragedy of 9/11 infamy, but condemned the misdeeds of those who committed said tragedy!

You should note, not one of those interviewed speaks favorably of Muslims or Islam.  In fact, they actually& wrongly blame BOTH for this tragedy!

I created a small (8½" x 11") protest sign which read:  U.S. Muslim citizens ask: Were Muslim 9/11 Families interviewed for this Islamaphobic film??  The trailer for this film didn't show ANY!!

As you can see for yourself, not one of those 9/11 Family Survivors was a family member of any of the Muslims who worked in the World Trade Center!  This was not a coincidence; this was by their devious design!  They did not want all perspectives of those who directly affected; particularly those who were pro-Islam or even neutral.

After watching the DVD (which was given to all who attended their Islamaphobes "hate-fest"), I felt as if I'd simply watched an extended version of the Islamaphobic trailer.  NOTE:  My heart-felt condolences go out to the family members for the lost of their loved one....whether they are Islamaphobic or not. While I only came close to losing a brother in-law who worked at the Pentagon (thankfully, he worked in another section of the building), one of the young ladies who was an underclassman in my high school was killed in the tragedy at the Pentagon. But as I stated before, the effort to blame Islam as the motivation behind this and other terrorist acts has steadily increased since 9/11 and the creators of this film took advantage of the emotions of the loss these people still live with to create a devilish film whose goal is to further demonize Islam and Muslims.

At the end of the film, Tim Brown (outspoken former NYFD member who's appeared on many interviews over the past 10 years since 9/11 speaking against Islam and Muslims and any Muslim who may have been jointly interviewed with him as news networks sought the truth behind the reason why the terrorists committed that heinous act) appeals to viewers to give money to their devilish cause--now that the "heart-strings" have been pulled. "Give to our cause.  We don't want Islam or Muslims here in the U.S. .... unless they act and practice the same faith that the rest of us practice."[my paraphrase]  Sadly, the assumption is, too many silly Americans think that Muslims who leave their countries to come to America all intend to convert from Islam to Christianity!  While that may be the intent of some, that group represents only a single-digit percentage.

I'm reluctant to post the entire DVD on YouTube.  Why?  Basically, it shows the scenes of the 9/11 tragedy and it's a tragedy that ill-affected all Americans, no matter what faith they practiced. In between the 9/11 scenes, it interviews Tim Brown and others who's stance against Islam and Muslims is more than obvious.  As I stated before, Tim Brown appeals to the viewer to "get the message out".  That unstated message is the message of Islamaphobia.  They want more people to have an irrational fear of Islam and Muslims.  How many Americans have overreacted when dealing with Muslims since 9/11?  How many Americans, dealing with Sikhs (a completely different faith, for those who don't know any better) thinking that they were Muslims overreacted since 9/11?  Maybe I'll take the time to dub-out the sound and supplant it with my own soundtrack.

We shall see....

In the meantime, I can't help be to be saddened by the interviewed survivors of that tragedy who were unknowingly made victims a 2nd time by the producers of this film "throwing them under the bus" for the sole purpose of furthering the cause of Islamaphobia.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Allen West Event Just Got Even Bigger (not REALLY, but they'd like you to believe it did)! | Christian Action Network

Unfortunately, because of the overwhelming response, the room is filled to capacity and we are forced turn away people from the event.
According to the CAN's screen shot, this event was "filled to capacity". Counting the television camera crews, there were only between 40 - 50 people in the large room that was set-up with ~10 round banquet tables (they served lunch after the press conference featuring Allen West). Without the banquet tables, they could have easily seated 100 or more people. They weren't very forthcoming with the changes. 

Be honest with yourself:  Does this room look close to "filled to capacity" to you?

The scheduled "press conference in front of the White House" was switched to the same room as the film viewing due to rain. No such update was placed on their website. When I arrived at the entrance of the conference room, I identified the organization I represented (SIIA) and gave my name. After hearing my name, the lady in the wheelchair told me to wait as she wheeled herself to the Capital Police to whom she whispered instructions (probably, "Watch the mooslim in the tan polo shirt" - LOL). I got to the room just in time to hear the usual rote diatribe of Allen West as he defamed the religion of Islam while claiming to not be against Muslims.

This event was no more than the Islamaphobes attempt to further promote the misnomer "ground zero mosque" onto what's been known as an Islamic community center from the very beginning.   When Allen West asked the question, "Who here can board a plane and go visit Mecca?", I replied (quietly), "I can".....with a smile.  Not one person who opposes this Islamaphobia-fest was in the room....except me. It was an Islamaphobes hate-fest!

Later, I learned that CAIR did have someone in the room with the Islamaphobes.  Like me, he kept quiet and videotaped the event without drawing attention to himself.