Monday, August 29, 2011

Taqiyya and Kitman | Muzzammil

Taqiyya and kitman are terms the Islamophobes like to throw around in order to draw on nuanced Islamic concepts to legitimize their propaganda call to dismiss all opposing voices. So if a Muslim makes a claim, true or false, it cannot be trusted as he or she may be engaging in taqiyya. It’s an effective tool in winning popular support for their agenda, as it draws a strict boundary between what is valid discourse (that of the Islamophobes) and what is not (the taqiyya-driven Muslims, and their sponsored leftist allies).

Kitman is a term rarely found in Sunni Islamic texts on jurisprudence. However, taqiyya does appear, in particular in the context of interpreting verses 3:28 and 16:105. The “occasion of revelation” for 16:105 was the torture of an early convert to Islam, Ammar b Yasir, who was spared torture when he praised the pagan Arab gods; the Prophet Muhammad affirmed his faith and this verse allowed such a concession. 3:28 uses the word “tuqah” a conjugate of “taqiyya”. Some early jurists (like Muadh b Jabal and Mujahid) were opposed to the concept altogether as they felt it implied “lying” (kidhb) and “hypocrisy” (nifaq). Most, however, disagreed that it implied these objectionable consequences, and allowed it as a dispensation (rukhsa) when one is compelled. “Most of the Ahl al-Sunna believe taqiyya…is permissible only in (cases of) necessity…al-Qurtubi said ‘taqiyya is not permitted unless one fears death, or the loss of a limb or serious bodily harm’” (al-Mawsuat al-Fiqhiyya: )

Furthermore, since this is a dispensation (rukhsa) “from God, and it is not an obligation, not performing taqiyya is more virtuous” (al-Jassas mentioning the Hanafi view: ). This is supported by a hadith from the Musannaf of Ibn Abi Shayba where two men were brought before a rebel leader, the “false prophet” Musaylama; Musaylama asked if the first believed he was a prophet and he replied in the affirmative and when he asked the second he replied “I am deaf” thrice and was subsequently killed; when the news reached the Prophet, he said “the one that was killed has passed away with integrity (sidq) and firm conviction (yaqin), and he held on to his merits, so glad tidings to him; and as regards to the second, he is saved from any consequence (of lying) due to a dispensation from God” (cited here: )

When Islamophobes write about taqiyya, they’ll normally mention it in isolation, without the context given in Sunni writings, in order to give it a global implication and create a general distrust of all Muslims. Shiite views of taqiyya and kitman may be slightly different to Sunni views. There are a few other issues when it comes to the topic of “lying” (kidhb) in Islamic jurisprudence (which is always impermissible, unless serious physical damage is feared; however portraying the truth in an agreeable and perhaps even a selective manner that does not involve lying is commended when it is used to “reconcile” between people and enjoin people to be charitable) – however, this is not related to “taqiyya” which has a very specific purpose.

All Terrorists are Muslims...Except the 94% that Aren't!!

CNN recently published an article entitled Study: Threat of Muslim-American terrorism in U.S. exaggerated; according to a study released by Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, “the terrorist threat posed by radicalized Muslim-Americans has been exaggerated.

Yet, Americans continue to live in mortal fear of radical Islam, a fear propagated and inflamed by right wing Islamophobes. If one follows the cable news networks, it seems as if all terrorists are Muslims. It has even become axiomatic in some circles to chant: “Not all Muslims are terrorists, but nearly all terrorists are Muslims.” Muslims and their “leftist dhimmi allies” respond feebly, mentioning Waco as the one counter example, unwittingly affirming the belief that “nearly all terrorists are Muslims.

But perception is not reality. The data simply does not support such a hasty conclusion. On the FBI’s official website, there exists a chronological list of all terrorist attacks committed on U.S. soil from the year 1980 all the way to 2005. That list can be accessed here (scroll down all the way to the bottom).

To read the entire article, click here.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

What Is Fear, Inc.?

The Groups Behind Islamophobia

Inside The Islamophobia Network

Why are so many Republican presidential candidates talking about Sharia law? It's because of a small network of Islamophobes who have made a career of pushing an anti-Muslim agenda.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Pamela Geller Called out for Being an “anti-Muslim Bigot” on CNN


On the heels of the article that traced the Ground Zero mosque controversy back to Pamela Geller, CNN ran a special segment on the anatomy of this story. In it Pamela Geller is called out for who she is, an “anti-Muslim blogger" (you neglected to mention bigot and "birther" - SIIA). The evidence for that abounds!
Geller: Obama “is a third worlder and a coward” who’s “appeas[ing] his Islamic overlords.In an April 13 blog post, Geller wrote: “Obama is a third worlder and a coward. He will do nothing but beat up on our friends to appease his Islamic overlords. All this is going down while Obama plays footsie at his nuclear nonsense campfire — sucking up to Iran’s enablers while beating up our allies.”
Geller: Liberal Jews are “lost souls,” “self-hating wretches.” In her January 25 Newsmax column, Geller wrote that Abraham Foxman, director of the Anti-Defamation League “has come out against a great and wonderful friend of the Jews, Rush Limbaugh.” Geller added that this “is symptomatic of a deeper problem: I have for years derided Jews in America and the Jewish lay leadership for tolerating and supporting clear and present enemies of the Jewish people among our senior ranks. It is a sickness of the soul.” She further wrote, “The liberal Jew worships at the church of human secularism. These lost souls are married to their liberal dogma” and asked, “Which Jews support deleterious characters like Foxman? Which Jews give blood money to these self-hating wretches?”
Geller on Obama’s Israel policy: “Jews Refuse to Get on Obama’s Trains. In a post apparently responding to Obama’s opposition to settlement growth, Geller wrote, “Jews refuse to get on Obama’s Trains.” She added: “Obama is pressuring Jews to “evacuate” from parts of Israel? And what Warsaw ghetto does the muhammadan [sic] president have in mind? I think I am gonna hurl. The Jews will not go. The Jews will not submit to this century’s nazis [sic] and Mansourian poser. No way, bloodsuckers. Not again. Never again.”
Geller on transgender Obama appointee: “What a freak show this presidency is. In a January 4 blog post, Geller responded to a report that Obama named a transgender appointee to a Commerce Department position by stating, “Does Obama know anyone who isn’t wacky, radical, militant, judeophobic, socialist, marxist, pedophilic? …… Does he chill with anyone who is normal? Isn’t there one Marilyn Munster in the family? What a freak show this presidency is.”
Geller: Obama “wants jihad to win. That’s what he is doing.In an April 1 blog post titled, “”President Jihad: Obama Encouraged Violent Palestinian Muslim protests against Israel,” Geller claimed Obama “is agitating Muslims against Jews” and stated, “The President of the United States is advancing jihad against the oath of office that he took.” Geller also stated in an April 11 post, “President Sarkozy called [Obama] ‘a madman,’ ‘a lunatic.’ Perhaps, I don’t know — but one thing is for sure: Hussein is a muhammadan. He’s not insane ………..he wants jihad to win. That’s what he is doing. Of course, to the western mind, the rational mind, the logical mind, the American mind, that is insane.”
Geller called Democrats “National Socialists.In a March 13 blog post, Geller wrote, ”National Socialists [Democrats] Obamacare: Sheeps to ‘Slaughter Solution.’” She added, “The buzz on Capitol Hill is that the Democrats are now considering what is being called the ’Slaughter Solution’ that will allow ObamaCare to be signed into law WITHOUT HOUSE MEMBERS EVEN HAVING TO VOTE.
Geller: Senate Democrats supporting health care reform voted “to rape the American people.In a December 21, 2009, blog post, Geller wrote of the cloture vote for health care reform: “The moochers and the looters, the crooks and degenerates voted at 1 am this morning to rip the constitution to shreds, to rape the American people and to nationalize medicine.” She added that passing the bill on Christmas Eve would be “an act of treason and blasphemy.”
Geller declared “VICTORY!” after Swiss established ban on minaret construction. In a November 29 post to her Atlas Shrugs blog — headlined “VICTORY! SWISS BAN MOSQUE MINARETS IN A LANDSLIDE VOTE” — Pamela Geller commented: “The Swiss have hand [sic] enough. They actually had the spine to take back their country. I wonder how the religion of peaceniks will react…in their usual tolerant and pacifist manner?”
Geller: “Obama Goes Full On Nazi. Geller headlined a November 9, 2009, post “Obama Goes Full On Nazi: Subject: “Democratic consultant says he got a warning from White House after appearing on Fox News.”
Geller: ” ‘Kick a Jew’ days … are part of this growing evil Evil unleashed with an anti-semite in the White House. In a December 14, 2009, post, Geller wrote:
It’s as if the floodgates of hell have been thrown open. The moratorium on the holocaust is officially over and all the savages are free to incite, hate and destroy. Clearly those “Kick a Jew” days discussed here and here in schools are part of this growing evil Evil [sic] unleashed with an anti-semite in the White House.
Geller: “Obama is bringing his jihad to Illinois. In a December 15, 2009, post, Geller responded to reports that Guantanamo Bay detainees may be housed at the Thomson Correctional Center in Illinois by stating: “Obama is bringing his jihad to Illinois. Has anyone asked the people of Chicago if they want KSM’s soul mates in their state? Obama’s treachery is breathtaking. A killer’s paradise.”
Geller: “It is well known that Obama allegedly was involved with a crack whore in his youth,” and he only visited Pakistan while in college because of “jihad or drugs.” In an August 1, 2009, post, Geller discussed rumors of a Palin divorce being spread by bloggers, including one supposedly tied to CNN and stated:
Let’s understand this. CNN won’t touch the birth certificate issue, the Rezko/Auchi corruption, Obama’s anti-semitism, his ACORN/SEIU ties and corruption, and other legitimate stories that need investigation. But they write fiction about Palin. Daily. So why not tell the truth about Obama and his reported strange sexual predilections? My question is, it is well known that Obama allegedly was involved with a crack whore in his youth. Very seedy stuff. Why aren’t they pursuing that story? Find the ho, give her a show! Obama allegedly trafficked in some very deviant practices. Where’s the investigation?
Geller further stated of Obama’s trip to Pakistan during college: “Back in the early 80′s, there were only two reasons to travel to Pakistan. Jihad or drugs. I think he went for the drugs and came back with jihad.”
Geller on Dome of the Rock: “The dome has got to go.On September 27, 2009, Geller posted an image of Muslims praying at the Dome of the Rock, one of Islam’s holy sites, and stated, “On Erev Yom Kippur, Muslims attack Jews in Jerusalem. The dome has got to go. It is sitting atop the great Jewish temple. The dome has got to go. It’s time to push back and stop indulging evil. Evil is made possible by the sanction you give it. Withdraw your sanction (paraphrasing Rand).”
There is more where this came from, please read our profile of Geller, The Looniest Blogger Ever. The sad thing is that this segment on CNN had Pamela Geller on unopposed. The host, John Roberts, obviously didn’t do his research and didn’t press her enough with the tough questions that Geller should be asked.

Instead, the show in effect gave Pamela Geller an opportunity to lie and cover up the fact that she is a Muslim hater. It is now common to see Pamela in her TV appearances claim that she “loves Muslims,” though the type of love she seems to be talking about is some twisted love in which the only good Muslim is one who doesn’t practice Islam, or believe in the Quran or the Prophet Muhammad.

The fact is she is against the building of mosques. Even in this CNN program she exposes herself by equating terrorists as representatives of “pure Islam,” echoing her friend, Euro-supremacist demagogue Geert Wilders who wants to tax the Hijab, ban Muslim immigration and outlaw Islam in the Netherlands.

The truth is Geller is opposed to the building of mosques, as is clear when she triumphantly claims victory after the Swiss ban minarets and when she calls for the destruction of mosques like the Golden Dome.